Q: What is Hiviral?

Hiviral is your Question and Answer community app for everything from celebrity news, to videos, music, quiz.

Q: Who Are Eligible to use?

Any registered user

Q: What Does Hiviral point Mean?

As a user, you get points for every news or content you view or comment on.


Q:- Can i get point watching and uploading videos?

Yes you can each time someone watch your uploaded videos and when you watch a video too

Q: Are Multiple Account Allowed?

No! Multiple accounts are not allowed.


Q: Are spam comments allowed?

Spam comments are not allowed and will result to a deduction of 50 points for each spam comment

Q: Can I Use One Email Address To Register More Than One Account?

No. This is because your email helps you to reset your password when the need arises, hence; resetting and retrieving your password would be difficult if the registration of multiple accounts with one email is allowed.


Q:- Some of my points were removed, why?

50 points are removed when you post Spam comments

Q: Do i get point if the post i published is approved?

Yes, you get coins/points each time other users read it


Q: Does the Points/Coins Expire?

No it does not, but after 3 months it may be cleared.