What kind of business can one start with N100,000 in Lagos?
POS business is very lucrative, it gives a daily income to maintain a nuclear family daily.
There are so many businesses that you can with that amount of money but I will only choose one kind of business. Which is Okrika.
This business can give you 100% of your profit if you know where to buy your clothes
Recharge card printing, I can train you on how to print and distribute it.
You can start POS business with#100,000. POS collection #25000, put #40,000 in your wallet, use #30,000 as cash just to start with and use the remaining #5,000 to be transporting yourself to a nearby market. Or if you get a space you’re good to go. My friend started one for his wife last week, with 50k and borrowed 30k making 80k.