Mari Selvaraj, the acclaimed novelist-turned-filmmaker, continues to make waves in the film industry with his thought-provoking narratives. His latest offering, “Vaazhai”, is set to release on August 23. The film’s trailer was launched today at an event in Chennai, and the 3-minute preview is already going viral.
“Vaazhai” promises to be an intense drama set against a rural backdrop, focusing on the lives of banana harvest workers and their children. Reports suggest that the film draws from true incidents experienced by director Mari Selvaraj during his childhood. Like his previous works, this movie will explore themes related to Ambedkarite ideology and communism.
“Vaazhai” features a talented cast, including Ponvel M, Raghul R, Kalaiyarasan, Nikhila Vimal, Sathish Kumar, Dhivya Duraisamy, and Janaki. The trailer is further elevated by Santhosh Narayanan’s compelling background score, with stunning visuals by Theni Eswar and precise editing by Suriya Pradhaman.
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