Tòkunbọ̀, a new movie directed by Ramsey Nouah, is set to premiere on Netflix on August 23rd. This intense crime thriller dives into a world of desperation and danger, following an ex-car smuggler who has just three hours to deliver a government official’s daughter to her captor—or face dire consequences for his family.
The cast features some top Nigerian talents including Gideon Okeke, Chidi Mokeme, Funlola Aofiyebi – Raimi, Nobert Young, Majid Michel, Adunni Ade, Ivie Okujaye, Tosin Adeyemi, Stanley ‘funnybone’ Chibunna, Darasimi Nadi and Aaron Sunday.
Tòkunbọ̀, marking Ramsey Nouah’s third directorial film, is an original story by Story Story Hub and is produced by Ramsey Films and Sozo Films.
See stills from the film:
Watch the trailer below:
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