Kumawood actor Kwadwo Nkansah, popularly known as LilWin, has shared the painful struggles he endured at the start of his acting career. In a heartfelt interview on Lawson TV, the beloved actor opened up about the humiliation, insults, and rejection he faced from some of his colleagues and producers who doubted his talent.
LilWin revealed that some colleagues went as far as mocking his hygiene, claiming he smelled. Others criticized his acting skills, openly saying he wasn’t good enough to be on set. “One marketer told me that featuring me in a movie was a waste of time,” he recounted. To make matters worse, some actors physically humiliated him, slapping him with slippers during scenes. “I thought it was just acting, but after the shoot, I’d hear them saying they wished they had hit me harder so I’d quit acting altogether,” he said.
The challenges didn’t end there. LilWin shared how a director once came to Kumasi and asked him to act in four movies without any payment. When LilWin insisted on charging for his work, the director reluctantly agreed to pay for only one. However, as LilWin’s star began to rise, the tables turned. “Those same people who doubted me now tell directors to add me to every movie because, without me, it won’t sell,” he said proudly.
Today, LilWin is one of Ghana’s most celebrated actors, a far cry from the days when his colleagues humiliated him for being “a nobody.” His inspiring journey from rejection to stardom is a powerful reminder that resilience, determination, and self-belief can silence even the harshest critics.
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