If you would like to turn your old gadgets into some good cash, TnG eWallet has unveiled the Device2Cash service, just like its name, it is a service that lets you trade in your old smartphone, laptop or tablet and turn it into cash without the need to deal with pesky buyers.
Much like CompAsia’s InstaCash and Carousell’s direct selling feature, the service can be easily accessed within the TnG eWallet app where you can choose to sell a selection of supported phones, tablets, laptops, smartwatches and gaming consoles.
Once you have found the device that you want to sell, an estimated value will be presented based on the condition that you have submitted, your old gadget will then be collected at your preferred address with an appointment set.
However, your device will not be evaluated on the spot and it will take up to 7 days to estimate the final value of your device, which you can choose to accept or reject, the device will be shipped back to you over GDex if you choose not to sell it at the end, but otherwise, the agreed sale value will be transferred to your TnG eWallet account.
If you are interested to check out the value of your old gadget, do check out Device2Cash in the TnG eWallet app.
Warren The geeky dictator of KLGG.
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