Actor Rajkiran has issued a warning on his Facebook page advising people not to fall prey to those claiming to be his close friends. Rajkiran, who is known for his performances in many notable films, is currently playing an important role in the upcoming movie “Idli Kadai,” directed by Dhanush.
In his post, Rajkiran explained that some individuals take photos with him and then use those photos to falsely claim association or friendship for personal gains. He mentioned an incident involving a person who introduced himself as “Kanada Selvam” years ago, claiming to produce a film with Rajkiran and even took pictures with him. However, that individual neither produced a movie nor came into contact with him again.
Recently, the same person has reportedly tried to mislead someone identified as a producer-director named Thalapathy using those old photographs, now introducing himself as “Starlin.” Rajkiran warned that such incidents are fabricated and reminded everyone that he alone makes decisions regarding his projects. He urged people to stay cautious and not be deceived by stories spun around photos taken with him.
Rajkiran concluded by reiterating that these false representations should not harm anyone, emphasizing the need for carefulness regarding such encounters.
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