Actress Devayani has ventured into direction and production for the first time with her short film, ‘Kaikkuttai Rani’. The music is composed by Ilaiyaraaja, cinematography is by Rajan Miryala, and editing is done by B. Lenin. The short film features Niharika V.K. and Naveen N. in pivotal roles.
This 20-minute film emotionally portrays the struggles faced by a young girl who loses her mother and lives with her father, who works in another city. The story highlights the emotions and challenges of children in such circumstances. ‘Kaikkuttai Rani’ has won the Best Children’s Short Film award at the 17th Jaipur International Film Festival.
Devayani expressed her joy and pride over the achievement, stating, “Although I have acted in numerous films, winning an award for the first short film I directed is a moment of immense happiness and pride. We are also working on taking this film to several international film festivals.”
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