Actor Simbu is in talks with director Ramkumar Balakrishnan, who helmed the film “Parking,” for an upcoming project. After completing “Thug Life,” Simbu has committed to a new movie under the AGS Entertainment banner, directed by Ashwath Marimuthu, who is currently focused on finishing his work for the film “Dragon.”
Once the “Dragon” project concludes, pre-production work for Simbu’s AGS venture will begin. Meanwhile, Simbu has been hearing scripts from various directors for his next project. Among these, Ramkumar Balakrishnan’s story impressed him the most. This film will reportedly be produced by Don Pictures.
It is anticipated that once the shooting schedule and budget details are finalized, an official agreement will be signed. Speculations suggest that an official announcement regarding this collaboration is likely to be made on Simbu’s birthday.
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