Ajith’s upcoming movie “Vidaa Muyarchi” has created significant anticipation. Initially planned for a Pongal release, the movie is now set to release on February 6. Directed by Magizh Thirumeni and featuring stars like Arjun, Trisha, Regina, and Aarav, the trailer has already been well-received. In an interview with director Magizh Thirumeni, he shared insights about the movie and his collaboration with Ajith.
Magizh mentioned how he always admired Ajith but did not approach him for a project until he felt he was ready. The opportunity came unexpectedly through Ajith’s manager, Suresh Chandra. Ajith’s trust in him was clear when he said, “Blindly believe in me, Magizh.” The film is a unique action thriller, different from typical mass entertainers, focused on an emotionally gripping storyline. Ajith personally suggested the core plot and wanted to break out of his usual comfort zone to try something fresh.
The movie was shot in Azerbaijan, chosen for its vast and remote landscapes that fit the story’s requirements. While speculations about it being a Hollywood remake persist, the director clarified it is a story about a couple’s journey and the events that unfold during their travels, laced with action, suspense, and thrill. Trisha plays Ajith’s wife in the film.
Ajith’s dedication to his role is seen in his impressive physical transformation. For scenes requiring differentiation between timelines, he worked hard to reduce his weight significantly. An on-set accident involving Ajith during a high-speed car chase added to the tension, but he emerged unhurt, showcasing his professional commitment.
Fans are in for a realistic and gripping cinematic experience, as hinted by the director, making this film a unique entry in Ajith’s career.
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