As per the latest developments, in a move to enhance the experience of flight passengers, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has mandated airlines to provide refreshments during flight delays. According to the new updates, when flights are delayed by 2-4 hours, airlines will be required to provide beverages and snacks to passengers,whereas when the flights are delayed by more than four hours, meals should be provided to the passengers.
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With low visibility conditions prevailing in northern India this winter, and already causing disruptions, these new provisions are expected to bring relief to travellers.
As per the update, passengers on flights delayed by two to four hours will be served tea or coffee accompanied by snacks, and for delays extending beyond four hours, airlines are required to provide meals. For shorter delays of up to two hours, drinking water must be made available to passengers.
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Referring to this, the Aviation Ministry emphasised that these measures are intended to put the comfort of passengers first amid unforeseen disruptions. The Ministry went on to say that the goal is to improve passengers’ overall experience by attending to their fundamental requirements during lengthy waits.
One factor that frequently impacts this sector is flight delays, which can result in more delays throughout the airline’s network for the day. A further passenger-friendly precaution has been developed by the Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS) in recognition of this. It has now permitted the seamless re-entry of passengers stranded onboard aircraft due to weather or technical delays, reducing inconvenience and ensuring smoother re-boarding when flights resume.
Drills to ensure preparedness are also being conducted as part of a procedure to guarantee a smooth re-boarding process when flights resume.
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The advisory comes as Delhi enters its fog season, which typically begins in early December. This period is notorious for causing disruptions to air travel due to reduced visibility. Just earlier this week, adverse weather conditions resulted in the diversion of 15 flights and delays for over 100 others, affecting thousands of passengers.
The DGCA’s guidelines aim to mitigate the inconvenience caused by such disruptions, ensuring that passengers are taken care of during their wait times. As airlines begin implementing these measures, passengers can expect a more comfortable travel experience even during unforeseen delays.
This proactive approach from the aviation sector reflects an understanding of passenger needs, particularly during the challenging winter travel season.
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