The trailer launch of Nesippaya, directed by Vishnuvardhan, was a grand event held last night, featuring a stellar lineup of guests like Sivakarthikeyan, Vijay Antony, Yuvan Shankar Raja, Atharvaa, Sarathkumar, and Aditi Shankar. The evening was a milestone for Akash Murali, Atharvaa’s younger brother, as he takes the lead in this much-anticipated film produced by Xavier Britto.
This was the second major promotional event for Nesippaya, following last year’s introduction attended by actress Nayanthara. At the trailer launch, the team expressed gratitude to all the guests for their overwhelming support.
Sivakarthikeyan delivered a memorable speech, blending humor and emotion. Reflecting on his journey, he said, “My maternal uncle Manohar trusted me and gave me his daughter. Likewise, Akash Murali has found a great father-in-law in Xavier Britto.” He praised Britto for supporting Akash’s dreams by producing Nesippaya.
Sivakarthikeyan also recalled his early struggles, earning just ₹4,500 per show at Vijay TV, and contrasted it with his success today. His reflections on family support and personal growth resonated deeply with the audience.
Produced on a grand scale, Nesippaya follows the success of Master and marks an important debut for Akash Murali. The event was not only a celebration of the film but also a testament to the strong camaraderie and mutual encouragement within the Tamil film industry. Fans eagerly await the film’s release, marking a new chapter in Akash’s career.
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