The much-anticipated romantic drama “Kadhalikka Neramillai”, starring Jayam Ravi and Nithya Menen, is already making waves. Directed by Kiruthiga Udhayanidhi, the film boasts music by the legendary AR Rahman, and its first single, “Yennai Izhukkuthadi,” launched today, has taken the internet by storm.
Fans were already enchanted by a snippet of the song featured in the film’s glimpse, and now the full version has exceeded expectations. Sung by AR Rahman and Dhee, with heartfelt lyrics penned by Vivek, “Yennai Izhukkuthadi” is a delightful mix of modern melody and upbeat rhythms, making it an instant favourite among music lovers.
Produced by Red Giant Movies, “Kadhalikka Neramillai” features an impressive cast, including Yogi Babu, Vinay Rai, John Kokken, and Lal, alongside the lead pair. With Gavemic U. Ary handling cinematography and Lawrence Kishore in charge of editing, the film is set to deliver a visual and emotional treat. Fans eagerly await this movie’s grand release.
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