
How to Hack the Breakthrough Prize (Ft. Session Confusion)

25 September, 2024
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The Breakthrough Junior Challenge is an annual, global science video
competition for high-school students. It’s run by Breakthrough
Initiatives, the same organization that runs the
Breakthrough Prize events.

In 2023, I discovered a critical vulnerability in the Breakthrough
Challenge website. After over one year since it was patched, I am
disclosing the bug for the sake of transparency. I believe this class of
vulnerability, which I am introducing as ‘Session Confusion’, is
often overlooked.

Set up

While waiting for a video call related to an
unrelated incident, I got bored and clicked around at my bookmarks. I rediscovered the
Breakthrough Junior Challenge website that I submitted my entry to the
year before.

The Breakthrough Challenge website allows participants to register
accounts, which are used to submit personal details and video entries.

On a surface level, the website looks like it only exists for students.

But surely there has to be some kind of interface for the Breakthrough
board to review videos, right?


Subdomain enumeration is an extremely effective way to quickly discover
the surface area of a web service. I found, which redirects to a login page.

Control.. Panel..?

This was a barebones login page – these are always fun, because it
suggests whatever behind it is for internal use only.

Unsurprisingly, attempting to log in with my own account doesn’t work.

After trying different URLs, I quickly discovered that pages from can be reached via, this suggests the applications are
related in some way.

Session Confusion

Exploring the domain further, I noticed
that the login page’s structure mirrored the main site (minus
styling). This raised a question: could the session management system be
the same for both the public and internal sites?

To test this, I logged into my regular user account on and captured the session cookie. Then, I
tried to use the same laravel_session cookie on by simply changing the cookie’s
domain scope to so it would
be sent along on subdomains too.

Astonishingly, this worked. The internal control panel accepted my public
session cookie, granting me access to administrative functions. This
confirmed a serious vulnerability: the session tokens were not segregated
between sites, leading to a case of “Session Confusion” (my own

It occurs in systems where session tokens, such as JWTs, are shared across
multiple services without proper isolation. While the tokens themselves
are signed and secure, the issue comes from the same session signing
mechanism (the secret key) being used across both public-facing and
administrative sites. This creates a security loophole, as a token issued
for one context (e.g., a public site) can be accepted by another (e.g., an
internal control panel), granting unintended access. In this case, the
shared secret used to sign the session tokens allowed the internal site to
mistakenly trust a session created for the public site, leading to
unauthorized access to administrative functions.

Unauthorized Access

Once inside the control panel, I found various administrative
functionalities, including the ability to access user data, settings that
alter the state of the competition and a directory of users. Fortunately,
some of the interface was broken (relating to user management) – likely a
side effect of my account not really existing on the admin site.

I would imagine that it would be possible to bypass the errors to make
full use of the admin panel, but I did not want to access any sensitive

I tried to create a page on the root (expecting an error), but to my
continued surprise, it went through and I had just edited the live running
site. Oops.


I immediately undid any changes, logged out and reported this
vulnerability via email detailing each step I took and the changes I made
(just the creation and deletion of one page followed by invalidating my


This bug would have allowed an unprivileged user to access some user data,
modify competition state and vandalize the Breakthrough Junior Challenge
website. The Breakthrough team responded extremely quickly, and the issue
was fixed just 2 hours after I initially reported the vulnerability.


16:48 CET Jun 14, 2023: Email sent

18:55 CET Jun 14, 2023: Vulnerability acknowledged, “We believe we
have fixed the problem.”

15:47 CET Jun 16, 2023: I acknowledge their reply, and confirm I can no
longer reproduce the issue.

I asked on 12:34 CET Jun 24, 2023 and 12:36 CET Jun 23, 2024 about
publishing this writeup. I did not receive a response. I am publishing
this blog post today (with some details redacted) for transparency.


What do you think?


Written by Mr Viral

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