The ongoing clash between Nana Agradaa, also known as Patricia Asiedu, and Rev. Isaac Owusu-Bempah has intensified once again, with Agradaa issuing a bold challenge. In a fiery interview on GHPage TV, Agradaa dared Owusu-Bempah to report her to the Inspector General of Police (IGP), George Akuffo Dampare, if he truly has the courage.
Agradaa, the general overseer of Heaven Way Ministries International, wasted no time in mocking Owusu-Bempah’s threats of arrest. “He talks as if he wrote the Ghanaian constitution. In front of me, he is a nobody,” Agradaa declared. She further revealed that she has audios of Owusu-Bempah insulting her and claiming he could never forgive her for past altercations, despite Agradaa having apologized. “I am putting it to him—if he is a man, he should go and report me to the police and see if he doesn’t end up getting arrested instead,” she added, daring him to take action.
The feud grew more intense after Agradaa criticized Owusu-Bempah’s prophecy that NDC flagbearer John Dramani Mahama would win the 2024 election. As a firm supporter of NPP’s flagbearer Mahamudu Bawumia, Agradaa slammed Owusu-Bempah for what she called fake prophecies, branding him a “fake man of God.”
In retaliation, Owusu-Bempah, the founder of Glorious Word Power Ministry International, vowed to have Agradaa arrested. He accused her of being paid by the NPP to attack him publicly. “That woman, Agradaa, I will make sure she is arrested this week. If it comes down to it, I will personally go to the police headquarters,” he declared.
This isn’t the first time the two have clashed. In 2021, they were embroiled in a legal battle that saw Owusu-Bempah and six others facing charges, including offensive conduct and threats of death, following a confrontation with Agradaa.
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