An official announcement regarding Rajinikanth’s upcoming film ‘Jailer 2’ is set to be made on January 14. After working with Sun Pictures on ‘Kooli,’ Rajinikanth has once again allotted dates for another project under their banner. This movie will be a sequel to the hit film ‘Jailer.’ The promo video shoot has already been completed, and it will be released on January 14 at 6 PM.
The movie will be released in multiple languages, including Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi, and screened in theaters across all states. Preparations for the release are actively underway. Directed by Nelson, the original ‘Jailer’ starred Rajinikanth, Shivrajkumar, Mohanlal, Ramya Krishnan, and others, and received overwhelming appreciation.
Following its success, Nelson has crafted the storyline for ‘Jailer 2,’ with production work reportedly completed. The filming is expected to start in March and will take place across Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Hyderabad, Mumbai, and other locations. The technical staff from the first part will also work on this sequel. More details, including the remaining cast, will be announced soon.
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