Acclaimed Tamil actor Jayam Ravi has officially announced a major change in his life and career. The actor will now be known as Ravi Mohan, marking a fresh chapter in his professional journey. Through a heartfelt statement, he expressed his gratitude to the film industry and his fans, crediting them for influencing his growth. He explained that the name change aligns with his personal and professional aspirations. “From now on, please address me as Ravi or Ravi Mohan, a name that mirrors my vision and values,” he shared, requesting support for this transition.
As part of his exciting new endeavors, Ravi Mohan has launched ‘Ravi Mohan Studios,’ a production house aimed at fostering new talent and producing impactful stories for audiences. He affirmed his dedication to cinema by stating, “This initiative will champion meaningful stories that inspire and connect with audiences worldwide.”
Additionally, Ravi Mohan introduced the ‘Ravi Mohan Fans Foundation,’ a philanthropic organization intended to give back to the community. This initiative, driven by the love of his fans, will focus on community service and providing aid to those in need. “I hope to channel the love I have received into contributions that benefit society,” he noted.
Concluding his statement, the actor extended his wishes for a Happy New Year and an auspicious Pongal, hoping for positivity and progress in the coming year. This announcement signifies a transformative moment in his career, underlining his dedication to both Tamil cinema and social contribution. Fans and colleagues have shared their excitement and support for his new initiatives.
பழையன கழிதலும், புதியன புகுதலும் 🌞#HappyPongal 🌾#Ravi#RaviMohan#RaviMohanStudios#RaviMohanFansFoundation
— Ravi Mohan (@iam_RaviMohan) January 13, 2025
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