Actress Keerthy Suresh shared her Pongal celebration photos on social media, and they have gone viral. Born into a family with a background in cinema, Keerthy started her career as a child artist. Her debut in a lead role was in the 2013 thriller movie “Geethanjali,” where Mohanlal was the hero.
She made her entry into Tamil cinema in 2015. In 2016, several of her films, including “Rajini Murugan,” “Thodari,” and “Remo,” were released. In 2017, she acted alongside Vijay in “Bairavaa,” which was a Pongal release. In Telugu cinema, she has worked with leading actors like Pawan Kalyan and Mahesh Babu.
Keerthy won the National Film Award for Best Actress for her performance in the movie “Mahanati,” a biopic about actress Savitri. Recently, she married her fiancé, Antony Thattai, in December in a ceremony held in Goa, which was attended by many cinema celebrities.
Keerthy debuted in Hindi cinema with the “Theri” remake, titled “Baby John.” In Tamil, her upcoming movies include “Revolver Rita.” She is currently working on another Tamil film called “Kannivedi.” Apart from acting, Keerthy holds a degree in fashion designing and has a strong passion for the field.
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