During a recent event in Dubai, director Lokesh Kanagaraj addressed a question about the possibility of working with actor Ajith. While in the midst of filming his upcoming movie Kooli, he was asked, “Having worked with stars like Rajinikanth, Kamal Haasan, and Vijay, when will you collaborate with Ajith?”
In response, Lokesh said, “Like everyone else, I too wish to work with Ajith. I believe it will happen soon.” His statement quickly went viral online, sparking excitement and speculation among fans.
Currently, Lokesh Kanagaraj is directing the much-awaited film Coolie, which stars Rajinikanth, Nagarjuna, Upendra, and Shruti Haasan. Produced by Sun Pictures, the movie is being shot in Thailand. Fans are eagerly awaiting updates on this high-profile project as well as any future collaboration with Ajith.
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