After more than a decade of anticipation, the Tamil action-comedy film Madha Gaja Raja finally hit theaters worldwide on January 12, 2025, coinciding with the Pongal celebrations. Directed by Sundar C and produced under the Gemini Film Circuit banner, the film stars Vishal in the lead role, with performances by Anjali, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, and Santhanam. The cast also features the late Manobala, Manivannan, Sonu Sood, Nithin Sathya, and Sadagopan Ramesh.
Production for the film began in February 2012, with principal photography carried out in locations such as Chennai, Palani, Jaipur, Hyderabad, and Australia. Over the years, numerous delays arose due to script revisions, legal issues, and financial constraints. Despite the setbacks, fans’ anticipation remained high, and the movie made its long-awaited release.
The film, featuring a lively soundtrack composed by Vijay Antony and cinematography by Richard M. Nathan, managed an opening day box office collection of ₹3.1 crores net in India. Reports suggest its second-day collections are yet to be fully updated.
Produced by Akkineni Manohar Prasad and Akkineni Anand Prasad, the action-packed entertainer includes choreography by Brinda and Shobi, with stunt sequences designed by Super Subburayan. Its overall success depends greatly on the response during the festive Pongal period.
Total Box Office Collection So Far: ₹ 3.1 crore (Day 1 and preliminary reports of Day 2).
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