Muthukumaran has shared an emotional video about the support he received during the Bigg Boss competition. The show, “Bigg Boss Season 8,” which aired on Vijay TV, has concluded, and Muthukumaran emerged as the winner. Following his victory, he posted a video on his social media holding the Bigg Boss trophy.
In the video, he expressed, “All of you have collectively handed this trophy into my hands. It feels very heavy, full of love. My friends inside the house told me that I was receiving overwhelming support outside. At that time, I couldn’t believe it, but now, seeing it for myself, it’s astonishing.
Is it really for me? So much love for me? My hard work receiving this much appreciation? I am overwhelmed. I kept thinking about how to thank everyone. Finally, I decided to simply express a heartfelt thank you. During the show, when I was asked to speak about the trophy, I said some words that I now want to repeat. This gesture is my way of showing gratitude.
I assure you that I will protect this token of love and recognition with my honesty, integrity, and authenticity. This is my promise to uphold the value of your trust through my hard work. A big heartfelt thank you to everyone!” he concluded.
The finale saw tough competition among the finalists, including Soundarya, Pavithra, Vishal, and Ryan. Muthukumaran took home the title, while Soundarya secured second place, followed by Vishal, Pavithra, and Ryan. Along with the Bigg Boss title, Muthukumaran was awarded a cash prize of ₹40.5 lakhs. He once again expressed immense gratitude to his supporters.
Title winner #Muthukumaran thanking everyone #biggbosstamil #biggbosstamil8
— Imadh (@MSimath) January 20, 2025
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