Updated: January 4, 2025
We added a new code!
Roblox has many great anime games that have lasted for a long time, and one such title is Roblox Reaper 2. It’s an action-adventure game inspired by the iconic Bleach anime and manga. In the game, you either become a Soul Reaper, Quincy, or Hollow. You must complete the many quests and kill or devour enemies to level up and get a skill point to spend on one of the many skills in the game. As you progress, you will have already spent your skill points, and if you need to reset them, you will have some codes to help you. This guide has all the working codes for Roblox Reaper 2 to help you reset many things in the game.
All working codes for Roblox Reaper 2 !rejoin—Redeem for 2 Legendary Spins (New) HunterXMayhem—Redeem for 9 Legendary Spins (Exclusive to people who stress-tested the game) (New) FixLockOn—Redeem for 3 Legendary Spins M1TRADE—Redeem for 4 Legendary Spins R2CONSOLE—Redeem for 40 Clan Spins CONTROLLERTEST—Redeem for Free rewards NEWIDLES—Redeem for 10 Spins and 2 Pet Spins QuincySniper—Redeem for 30 Clan Spins ThanksFor156kLikes—Redeem for 3 Legendary Spins ANCIENTVASTO—Redeem for 2 Legendary Spins
MONEYBUG—Redeem for 50k Cash DAILYREWARDS—Redeem for 2 Legendary Spins HALLOWEEN—Redeem for 6 Pet Spins NEWSHIFTLOCK—Redeem for 10 Spins WALLJUMP—Redeem for 50k Cash THAKSFOR155KLIKES—Redeem for 20 Clan Spins and 10 Pet Spins DDREWORK—Redeem for 3 Leg Spins PARKOUR—Redeem for 30 Clan Spins REFUND—Redeem for 30k Cash R2MOMENT—Redeem for 20 Clan Spins and 3 Hours of 2x Cash
FIXEDVIP—Redeem for 7 Legendary Spins GAMEBROKE—Redeem for 15k Experience and 10 Spins LOSTSOUL—Redeem for 30 Clan Spins ARRANCAR—Redeem for 2 Hours of 2x Cash QUESTFIX—Redeem for 2 Legendary Spins SANTAREWORK—Redeem for 65 Clan Spins THEVISIONARY—Redeem for 40k Cash TWBY3—Redeem for 15k Experience NEWMOVES—Redeem for 10 Normal spins THANKYOUFOR154KLIKES—Redeem for 20 Clan Spins
COMBODUMMY—Redeem for 3 Legendary Spins TZAGAIN—Redeem for Skill Points Reset SHIFTLOCK—Redeem for 50k Cash TRUEZANGETSUBANKAI—Redeem for 30 Clan Spins UPDATEISOUTTT—Redeem for 1 Legendary Spin THANKYOUFOR153KLIKES—Redeem for 25 Clan Spins THANKYOUFOR7KSUBS—Redeem for 25 Clan Spins SORRYFORSHUTDOWN2—Redeem for 1 Legendary Spin CTRLTOTOGGLESPRINT—Redeem for 10 Clan Spins CONSOLESHIFTLOCKFIX—Redeem for 15 Spins
NEWCLANS — Redeem for 30 Clan Spins YAMAMOTO — Redeem for 25 Clan Spins AFKWORLD — Redeem for 1 Legendary Spin NEWUPDATE — Redeem for 1 Legendary Spin THANKYOUFORYOURSUPPORT — Redeem for Reset Skill Points THANKYOUFOR152KLIKES — Redeem for 25 Clan Spins SORRYFORSHUTDOWN — Redeem for 25 Clan Spins 3KREACTIONS — Redeem for 10 Clan Spins THANKYOUFOR3KTWITTERFOLLOWERS — Redeem for 20 Pet Spins and 5 Normal Spins NEWSEGUNDA — Redeem for 10 Clan Spins
BOOKOFTHEEND — Redeem for 15 Clan Spins and 3 Legendary Spins LETZ — Redeem for 5 Legendary Spins CLANSS — Redeem for 25 Clan Spins NEWVIZARDMASKS — Redeem for 5 Legendary Spins WEAREBACKK — Redeem for 15 Pet Spins and 20k Cash 4KREACTIONS — Redeem for 20 Spins SWIFTGRADUATED — Redeem for 10 Normal Spins UPDATESOON — Redeem for 5 Legendary Spins LUADARWIN — Redeem for 3 Legendary Spins SECRETREAPER2CODE — Redeem for 50k Cash and 50 Legendary Spins
Reaper2CodesNeverWork — Redeem for 50k Cash and 50 Legendary Spins TZLEFTFIX — Redeem for 50k Cash and 50 Legendary Spins RATESCHANGED — Redeem for 5 Legendary Spins SOFTSHUTDOWN — Redeem for 10k Cash FIXSecondary — Redeem for a Secondary Reroll RETURN2 — Redeem for 40k Cash and 40 Spins SRRYFORDELAY — Redeem for 5 Legendary Spins ICHIMONJI — Redeem for 10k Cash and 5 Spins TRUEZANGETSU — Redeem for 10k Cash and 5 Spins THANKYOUFOR3KSUBSONYT — Redeem for 10 Legendary Spins
OBISBDAY — Redeem for 40k Cash and 40 Spins NewRacePls — Redeem for a Race Reroll PLAYHxM—Redeem for 5 Legendary Spins NewPrestigeBuff—Redeem for a Reset Prestige NEWHXH?—Redeem for 25k Cash MINAZUKI — Redeem for 1.5k Cash Reaper3 — Redeem for 5 Spins APOLOGY!! — Redeem for 3 Legendary Spins, 10 Regular Spins, and 20k Cash MONIEPLS — Redeem for 5k Cash xaxis? — Redeem 1 Legendary Spin
DxLikesWomen — Redeem for 5 Spins PATIENCEISTHEKEY — Redeem for Free Spins JOEBEARD — Redeem for 10k Cash PARTYSTUNFIX — Redeem for 1 Pet Spin CAPTURETHEFLAG — Redeem for 15k Cash UNRANKED — Redeem for 25k Cash BUYSPINS! — Redeem for 1,5k Cash LEGENDARYSPINPLS — Redeem for a Legendary Spin Spin2win — Redeem for 5 Spins PRIMEROSECONDOLESGO — Redeem for 25k Cash
RACEREROLLPRIMERO — Redeem for a Race Reroll RESETPOINTSPRIMEROYES — Redeem for Reset Points NEWSPINNER? — Redeem for 5 Secondary Spins FIRSTPETCODE — Redeem for 1 Pet Spin YAKRUSISAWESOME — Redeem for a Secondary Reroll SHINSOPLS — Secondary Reroll PIMPINGCASH — Redeem for free cash FREECASH?? — Cash NEWRACEPLS2 — Race Reroll NEWSKILLTREE — Skill Points Reset
INFLOAD – 20k cash CHRISTMASRACEREROLL? — Race Reroll CHRISTMASRACEREROLL2? — Race Reroll TYBWSOON?! — Race Reroll SECONDARYREROLL4FREE — Secondary Reroll NEWFB?1 — Race Reroll REROLLGOODBYE1 — Race Reroll WAVE1 – Redeem for a Secondary Reroll AURAKENANDTVLUPDATE – Secondary Reroll bugfixes00 – Redeem for 10k cash
ROBLOXDOWN: Redeem this code to get 5,000 cash. FULLBRINGHYPE: Redeem this code to reroll your race. GIBNEWSWORD: Redeem this code to reroll for new zanpakuto. GOTOLAVACAVEATLVL100: Redeem this code to reset your prestige buff. QUINCYGUNS: Redeem this code to get a new quincy bow. SUNDAYFUNDAY: Redeem this code to get rewards. REEEEEEEE: Redeem this code to get 5,000 cash. READYFORTRUEVASTO: Redeem this code to reroll your race. FINALLYUPDATEB: Redeem this code to get 25,000 cash. READYFORSHUNKO: Redeem this code to get a reroll.
Zen2: Redeem this code to reroll your race. NEWSKINCODE : Redeem this code with space to get a random skin. HEBACK: Redeem this code to get a reroll. QUINCYBIGSWORD: Redeem this code to reset your quincy saber. CashDAY: Redeem this code to get 10,000 cash. RANDOMZANPAKUTOZ: Redeem this code to reset your zanpakuto. REIATSUFINEV2: Redeem this code to reset your reiastsu color. SupaSupriseNight: Redeem this code to get 25,000 cash. SHEESHGOTHACKED: Redeem this code to get 5,000 cash. prestigeAdjuchacar: Redeem this code to rewards
JUSTCAUSEILOVEYOU: Redeem this code to reset your skills and nodes. PRAYFORZENOKEI: Redeem this code to get 5,000 cash. YOUASKED4DELIVERY: Redeem this code to reset your skills. DELAY1: Redeem this code for rewards 100KLIKESPATCH: Redeem this code to get 10,000 cash. BCASH11: Redeem this code to get 5,000 cash. WHATSHALLIGET: Redeem this code to reset your skills. KUCHILOARROGANTE: Redeem this code to get 25,000 cash. REIATSUFINEV3: Redeem this code to reset your reiastsu color. Follow@ZenokeiRBLXOnTwitter: Redeem this code to get 10,000 cash.
RANDOM: Redeem this code to get 10,000 cash. Zen1: Redeem this code to reroll your race. RESETPOINTS3: Redeem this code to reset character and cash. RANDOMV2: Redeem this code to get 10,000 cash. RESETPOINTS2: Redeem this code to reset character and cash. REIATSUFINE: Redeem this code to reset your reiastsu color. TESTINGNEWTYPEOFCODE: Redeem this code to get double cash. WEAPOLOGIZE: Redeem this code to get a reroll. SUPRISECASH20K: Redeem this code to get 20,000 cash. RANDOM3: Redeem this code to get 30,000 cash.
THANKYOUFORPAT14NCE: Redeem this code to get 25,000 cash. prestigeVasto: Redeem this code to rewards DAVIDBAZOOKA: Redeem this code to get 5,000 cash. REALDANGAl24: Redeem this code to get 10,000 cash. SubscribeZenokeiRBLXOnYoutube: Redeem this code to get 10,000 cash. THANKYOUFORSTAYING: Redeem this code to get 20,000 cash. SPRESETFORFIXES: Redeem this code to reset your skills and nodes. UPDTBALANCE1: Redeem this code to rewards RESETPOINTS1: Redeem this code to reset character and cash.
How to redeem codes in Roblox Reaper 2 To redeem the codes in Roblox Reaper 2, follow the steps below.
Launch Roblox Reaper 2 on your PC. Press the M key to open the options. Scroll down to the codes option. Type any of the working codes and redeem them to get rewards. All expired codes for Roblox Reaper 2 raceREROLL BIGPLANSHUGEPLANS RELEASERACEREROLL1 100kMembers 5kEZ PARTOFTHEPLAN PREPAREFORPART2 RACEROLLERR SORRYFORDELAY NEWSWORDS
ReaperRoll DxWasHere PrideMonthYass PapaJovahn APOLOGIES2 AIZENPART1 SubZenokei Sorry2 ZenokeiWasHere NEWBANKAI2
NozaCrazy EASTERHAPPY IWILLHMPH VizardCash Secondroll2 VizardTimes VizarReaction freeRealDANGAI2 NozaReset FULLBRINGERS
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