On Thursday, Saif Ali Khan was attacked with a knife by a burglar in his Bandra home in Mumbai. The actor was stabbed six times and was taken to Lilavati Hospital immediately. The culprit is still absconding and many are concerned about the incident. While different theories are floating around, Kareena Kapoor Khan has recorded her first statement with the police. The actress revealed what happened and where she was during the time of the incident.
As reported by ABP, police sources mentioned that Kareena Kapoor Khan revealed that the accused was very aggressive when he entered the house. However, he didn’t steal anything. “When Saif was fighting off the burglar, the latter was aggressive. But our family somehow managed to escape and go to the 12th floor of the building,’ the actress told the cops.
Further, the cops revealed that Kareena Kapoor Khan is so affected by the incident that Karisma Kapoor took her home. In her statement, Bebo added that some jewellery was kept in the front room, but the attacker didn’t touch them. Kareena revealed that she had gone out with Karisma Kapoor and Rhea Kapoor and came back home at 1 am. Rhea’s driver dropped her home. “I went to the 11th floor after hearing the commotion. The attacker was very aggressive. Saif tried to save Jeh and his nanny woman from the attacker,” Kareena told the cops.
Meanwhile, the attack broke the knife and a piece was lodged into Saif Ali Khan’s back. The doctor said that it missed hitting Saif’s central nervous system by barely 2 am. If that had happened, the actor would have been paralysed. The doctors at Lilavati Hospital say that Saif is now out of danger and is under observation.
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