Actor Karthi is currently working on two major films, “Va Vaathiyaar” and “Sardar 2,” creating immense excitement among fans. Following the success of “Sardar,” Karthi steps into another dual-action role for the sequel, where his looks are expected to capture much attention, just like the first part. Around 60% of “Sardar 2” has been shot, primarily in Chennai, with grand sets being erected. Shooting will soon move to Dindigul, and a song sequence is planned at an international location. Directed by P.S. Mithran, Yuvan Shankar Raja scores the music for this movie, with George C. Williams handling cinematography. SJ Suryah plays the antagonist, while Ashika Ranganath and Malavika Mohanan are cast as Karthi’s co-stars.
“Va Vaathiyaar,” helmed by Nalan Kumarasamy, is another anticipated project where Karthi portrays an ardent MGR follower. The film features Sathyaraj, Rajkiran, Krithi Shetty, and others, with music by Santhosh Narayanan, produced under Studio Green. Initially expected as a Pongal release, the team now plans an April premiere.
Meanwhile, Karthi has announced his 29th film, “Thanaakkaran,” a period drama set in Rameswaram and Sri Lanka coastal areas, speculated to explore the theme of maritime pirates. Reports indicate this will be a high-cost production with extensive graphics. Pre-production is actively ongoing, and updates, including the teaser for “Sardar 2,” are anticipated during Karthi’s birthday in May.
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