
Weekly Horoscope: October 6 to October 12, 2024

Weekly Horoscope: October 6 to October 12, 2024

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Your weekly horoscope is here. With the final eclipse of the year done and dusted, consider last week as a pivot point to either let go, shift, or embrace the new beginning. Take steps to ground this shift into practice, and make it stick. Midweek, mighty Jupiter, the planet representing faith, expansion, and opportunity, switches direction and moves into retrograde through February. Communication, ideas, or social connectivity are ready for review because growth must be checked, trimmed, and guided to avoid scattering your focus. In the sign of the twins, aim for two solid options and prepare for the next phase. Amidst so much rapid change, it’s time to catch your breath and get ready to skip ahead with your options. Set yourself up for big leaps and bounds.

Read on to discover your weekly horoscope and what’s in store for your sign during the week of October 6 through October 12, 2024.

AriesGrowth in your knowledge base or local community is ready for some reconstruction. Take your wins so far and reinvest them into a project, course, or community venture (or adventure) for bigger wins later. You have plenty of time, as Jupiter, the planet of luck, takes a sabbatical (a.k.a. goes retrograde) through February 4. This year has plenty of luck and expansion ready to drop into your lap, but you might as well maximize your opportunities and, of course, create your own. See what sticks and go with it. Networks are particularly helpful, so cultivate them openly and take the high road in terms of how information is shared. Rule of thumb: Twinning is winning. Partner up if it feels right and makes sense on paper.

TaurusAs Jupiter, the planet of expansion, swings into reverse in your money and values sphere, it’s time to check the rearview and back up your finances. Retrogrades are best spent by reviewing and straightening up your aim and direction, as well as picking up anything that could use more work before moving forward—so you don’t have to go back and fix it again. No point in building a big pattern, like a Tetris set, if a few loose pins could collapse the structure. This applies to your knowledge, tech, or communication base, if that’s key to your earnings. Stick to your values, maintain clear ethics and principles, and people will respond to your strong character. What’s the best use of your resources? Do your research and plan during this period. Rule of thumb: Think big.

GeminiWith the opportunistic planet of luck, faith, and growth barreling through your sign this year, the ball is in your court. This is an incredible time for expansion and generally upping your game, visibility, or contacts. You should have already picked up on which area this applies to and, hopefully, are ready to push your luck as much as possible. If not, there’s still time! Go back to the drawing board and tweak your work so far, or focus on what you’re ready to bat out of the park. The secret is to push it as far as you can to see where the limit is—if there even is one. Pitch hard, write that book, dive into that passion project or hot idea, and go for it. But first, take the time to review through February 4. What you do over the next few months sets you up for another round of twinning up or radical, exciting shifts in the years to come. Rule of thumb: Never say never.

CancerBig dreams? Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, is amping up your mystic sphere of dreams and connection to the collective this year. This week it hits the brakes to backtrack with a useful retrograde. Overall, this influence is best used to tap into your spirituality and take inspiration from your dreams (keep a dream diary). A sense of freedom through loosening restrictions is helpful, as is understanding that where the mind goes, energy flows. We call it mystic, but maybe that’s only because we don’t entirely understand the nonmaterial layer of reality. Even Einstein was a little spooked by atoms twinning in quantum entanglement, calling it “spooky action at a distance.” Don’t get caught up in how, what, or why. Trust your gut, and establish a dialogue with it to grow your connection to your inner voice and intuition. Rule of thumb: Clear intention is everything.

LeoAs expansive Jupiter pulls back into retrograde in your sphere of extended networks, hopes, and dreams, this is a brilliant time to take a big-picture view of your plans. Adaptation is your ally, so assess what’s working and what needs tweaking as you review recent growth. As you project into the future, why not make your vision the best version it can be? Learning and training may be part of your path forward, or maybe it’s time for you to impart your knowledge to others. If so, this is a group-oriented approach rather than one-on-one. Connecting and sharing information has never been easier, but the rapidly expanding tech options take time to sort through. Make decisions during this period and set yourself up for success, joy, and abundance! This goes for friendships, group endeavors, and expanding into new areas and ideas.

VirgoAs the planet of opportunity and expansion swings into retrograde in your career and public image zone, use this time to reassess your direction. Review your vision and potential, then open yourself to more ideas and light. Course correcting during this period is invaluable for the coming years. If you’ve been resisting growth, find ways to open up to your potential. Neuro-linguistic programming offers simple yet effective techniques, or find another method. Are you embracing opportunities or creating your own? Do you have a clear goal in sight? While a barrage of options and ideas may seem impractical, this period is ideal for sorting through them and bringing back something useful. Apply your knack for detail to a project that stretches your growth or elevates your influence. The shoes need to be a little too big to grow into them, so don’t try to be 100% perfect first.

LibraExpanding your horizons may take a back seat as you check your itinerary, MO, or course outline. Travel, study, or philosophical ideas are up for review and retesting as you fine-tune what you want from the next year of growth. Where are your best opportunities? Where have they come from this year? Through February 4, you have plenty of time to edit and rewrite your path. Your circle of influence may be larger or at a distance, so this might involve teaching or sharpening your knowledge. This could be your time to teach and share what you’ve learned or develop it with your unique twist. With many planets in retrograde (ironically, not Mercury), pulling over for a pit stop is helpful for the longer journey. Speaking, writing, ideas, communications, and quick connections all offer opportunities, so set yourself up to make the most of them.

ScorpioExpanding your understanding of your psyche and metaphysical forays is up for testing as Jupiter retrogrades from midweek through February 4. Stop digging that tunnel out (or in) and check your progress. Test ideas, a relationship, or your place in it to see if it holds up under scrutiny. Others’ resources and deep intimate connections also benefit you during lucky Jupiter’s time in this steamy sphere. What or who has amplified your life lately? Who are you feeling that inquisitive rush for? Or is it partnering up to pursue a goal that has you energized? Recheck that goal, direction, or approach, as teaming up brings plenty of abundance. Do the work or prep needed to take advantage of an offer or a new opportunity. It takes two to tango, and you want a good dance partner, so do your due diligence during this period.

SagittariusAs Jupiter, your ruling planet, is in your opposite sign, this suggests it has to express its largess through a range of facts, ideas, and communication. In your sphere of “the other”—one-to-one relationships and contracts—you can make the most of it by engaging in meaningful conversations. Be open to invitations to chat, because opportunities come through others this year. Don’t judge a book by its cover, but keep a discerning eye. Practice that elevator pitch. What do you want people to know, and what clear takeaway do you want them to keep? Purposeful communication is highly beneficial right now. Go back over your partnership goals, whether personal, business, or both, and assess how you communicate. If something’s been left unaddressed, now is the time to bring it up. Someone from your past may have valuable insight, so stay open, detached, and cool. Rule of thumb: Stay flexible.

CapricornLast week we looked at career and public image in terms of the last eclipse of the year and a headline event or realization. This week the focus shifts to your work, wellness, and routines, which underpin that career. This is where you get the work done and how you do it. Your day-to-day experience, decisions, and steps set you up to reach the dizzying heights Capricorns often work toward. As Jupiter has been expanding this zone—correlating with opportunities, growth, faith, and optimism—it’s time to check your progress. Assess where you are and look ahead to ensure your aim is true and that you’re on board with continuing down this path. Course corrections, updates, and new information, as well as inspiration, may come your way, so make space for that instead of plowing ahead full throttle. Your usual pragmatic approach works best now, then pick up the pace after February 4.

AquariusJupiter, the planet of abundance, makes its annual backflip into retrograde for the rest of the year. This is the perfect time to reflect and assess your growth in love, hobbies, and generally what you do in your leisure time. Take stock. If you have a developing love affair, want one, or are perfecting your writing style or PowerPoint party prowess, this is your time to reflect on your progress and align it with where you want to be by mid-2025. You have a decent period to back up your goals with prep, research, or review before going full throttle in February 2025. Gather the information you need, sharpen your writing or speaking style, and get your mind over matter—then aim true!

PiscesJupiter is the planet of luck and is a little bit like the dolphin of the cosmos. It represents optimism, a larger-than-life character, and generosity of spirit. Currently that generosity is expressed through excess information, ideas, tangents, and geeky factoids. Not Meta getting us all to wear black-rimmed glasses with little cameras and promoting the tech specifications? Yep, and we’re loving it. With expansion and growth comes an equal downside (like lack of control over privacy of information in this case), so this period is perfect for backtracking and checking that you’re aligned with how you’re living, especially in your domestic sphere and foundations. Getting a handle on your goals, as well as the decisions that get you there, is half the battle. Expanding in your home or knowledge base may require a review to ensure everything checks out before moving ahead at full steam.

Vanessa Montgomery—a.k.a. Astro All-Starz—is a professional counseling astrologer and the upcoming author of Astro Power: A Simple Guide to Prediction and Destiny for the Modern Mystic. Aimed at enlightenment and seeing past labels to the oneness that unites us all, Montgomery’s work also helps navigate the practical essentials with grounded cosmic intel. Her motto: Free your mind, own your power, create your world. You can learn more at or follow Montgomery on Instagram @astro_allstarz.


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Written by Mr Viral

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