
Weekly Horoscope: September 29 to October 5, 2024

Weekly Horoscope: September 29 to October 5, 2024

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Your weekly horoscope is here. Midweek, the final eclipse of this year promises a shake-up and wake-up around relationship balance. Say goodbye to codependence and hello to interdependence. Hard endings during this period are like a door slamming on what just isn’t working. This is a solar eclipse and a new moon, so embrace the promise of an exciting new beginning while letting go of what wasn’t truly resonating. Open up to your best fate and welcome the opportunity embedded in change or compromise by taking mature and professional control of your life. Who’s in the driver’s seat? You are! Take the wheel and follow your inner GPS.

Read on to discover your weekly horoscope and what’s in store for your sign during the week of September 29 through October 5, 2024.

AriesFrom besties to baes, this entire month focuses on your relationships and one-on-ones in your life. The fact that the fated “north node of destiny” is in your sign at the moment further emphasizes your need to balance your own path, your role in relationships and collaborations, and the relationships themselves. However, the emphasis is really on the idea that a couple is made up of two independent people. Wednesday’s solar eclipse coincides with a new moon in your relationship sphere, so anything you’re giving too much to or that isn’t right is really ready to go—or change. Perhaps your approach is maturing, which is a positive! Drive a steady course toward what is right for both parties with a solid commitment to your overall personal trajectory.

TaurusThis week’s eclipse stirs up your well-appointed sphere of daily routines, work, and wellness. This could be a final push to drop a habit that isn’t taking you forward or something you’ve been holding onto out of habit. If you’re overworking and not taking the time out you need, this is your sign to really tackle that and make a definitive change. Any concerns in the wellness department should be followed up for professional advice. Start on a healthy preventative or maintenance journey if there’s something specific you’ve been thinking about but possibly ignoring. Your approach to a relationship could be due for an upgrade. Life is about movement and change, so these periods are like installing the latest and best software. Do that this week.

GeminiWith this week’s eclipse headlining in sister air sign Libra, you pick up one of the more flowing and helpful aspects. So the hard reset is more like a door with a soft-closing fixture. This is why Libra and Aquarius seasons are fairly smooth sailing for you—they’re both air signs, handballing straight to your mitt for an easy catch. Handle the coming week’s situations with care, and you’ll sail right through. This solar eclipse is in your sphere of leisure and creative self-expression, so note what might be past its expiration date (those guitar/piano/singing lessons, perhaps) and what may be more worthy and relevant to you now. Don’t be afraid to make those changes or go with them if they cascade through external events. Energy can be a little low around new moons and eclipses, so when they’re combined, it’s a good chance to rest up and dream about something that excites you.

CancerMidweek, the new moon solar eclipse is a hard reset in your domestic sphere, so let go of that comfort zone, Cancer. What future is staring you down, and what kind of resistance do you need to let go of to make it a smooth transition? Whether it’s a new era of location, domestic arrangements, or your cooking pot collection, you know things aren’t meant to stay the same forever. Growth is change and movement, so make moves and make waves. Relationships on the domestic front could require a little rebalancing to get them functioning well. Consider the division of domestic duties and labor: is it fair and evenly distributed? Is everyone pulling their weight? Stats show that women are still overcompensating by doing too much. If this is an issue in your home, get your thoughts clear before approaching the topic. If it’s a decorative or house renovation you’re initiating, knee-deep in, or wrapping up, keep that ball rolling so you’re in the best environment possible.

LeoThis week’s eclipse is the headline act in your gal-about-town sphere, ready with a plot twist or script redo. So get ahead of the game with a reread of your plans and consider themes vying for your attention. These could be inner callings to reboot, or you could experience them via your external environment. Relationships in your local sphere—or how you want to interact and be perceived—are on the line, so craft your image and make it work for you. What do you want your look to say? What do you want to experience or achieve through your local connections? Changes in other people’s relationships could have a knock-on effect, but remember: when one door closes, it’s usually because you’re meant to walk through a different one! This is an opportune time for you, so make the most of new, old, or surprise connections. Take a little time out if your energy is down, and come back better than ever as Leo 2.0.

VirgoThis week hosts a new moon, which, under normal circumstances, is best for setting new moon intentions. However, this time, it’s complicated. The attendant solar eclipse isn’t where we want to plant seeds of intention, so press pause. Aim for stillness and observe what emerges in the darkness as the solar light dims. This one is a “ring of fire,” promising some dramatic scenes for photographers capturing it above iconic monuments. So catch your own iconic moments during this period, and be clear about the signs, symbols, and what your soul is singing to you. We’re metaphysical gals living in a metaphysical world. That doesn’t cancel out the daily practicals like earning an income, but it does remind us there are auxiliary channels to harness. Since this eclipse resets in your income and values sector, consider the quality of your self-talk, framing, and what you believe or perceive is even possible. You might just eclipse it!

LibraYour birthday month is off and running into its second week, marked by a Sun-Mercury merge on Monday as the clouds clear, promising a moment of epiphany. Give yourself space to delve into an idea or thought process you’re working on and see what comes out of it. This could be a favorable connection, as someone else opens up your mind or an opportunity for you to shine, say your piece, or clarify a direction. Midweek, a “ring of fire” solar eclipse in your sign could herald dramatic change and a hell yes or hell no to a proposition or current situation. What are you ready to finally close the door on, and what would you really rather be doing? A new direction, look, or step toward independence is all on the cards. The themes around this eclipse will be apparent, so rather than dismiss or downplay them, listen and navigate with it. Truly a new moon, new you week.

ScorpioAs the new moon resets under an eclipse midweek, your mystic sphere of dreams and the collective is activated. If you pick up on themes of the collective, consider how you could be the vehicle of expressing them should you choose to take the assignment. Do some cleansing rituals, whether visualizing light covering your body or smudging with sustainably grown sage, as you recenter within yourself. Get extra sleep and rest, as this is a low-energy period best for going within and recharging your batteries. If you’d prefer to explore practices like meditation or yoga with a buddy, that’s on brand for this season. Collaborations and dynamic duos are great ways to share experiences and keep your motivation and confidence up.

SagittariusThis week’s eclipse suggests a hard reset in your social sphere of friends, groups, and extended network. Say hi, bye, or both as new people show up, others depart, and a wild card makes an entrance. If you’re the new bombshell entering the villa, don’t play small to make others feel comfortable. Play big to raise the standard for everyone. When you hold the frame strong enough, rather than looking outward to gauge how you should respond, it means you’re setting the tone for them. Assess the way you show up and lead during this period. How can you present yourself in a way that represents the change you want to see in the world?

CapricornAn impressive “ring of fire” solar eclipse activates your career sector midweek, so pull the pin on that hard reset. Keep your game face on until the dust settles so you have time for reflection before making any strategic moves. If the way you collaborate, your relationships, your branding, and ultimately fair outcomes could use an upgrade, this is your time. Rise to the challenge because the professional sphere is always a creative exercise with regular periods of outgrowing comfort zones. How can you be the boss, as Capricorn so often naturally is, while making space for others’ input or ensuring their needs are met? If you’ve been barking orders like a sea captain, overworking, or overcommitting, practice sharing the wheel. You’ll gain valuable perspective and a teammate to workshop ideas with.

AquariusEclipse season ends midweek with a stunning “ring of fire” solar eclipse activating your sphere of international travel, connections, and education. Events around eclipses often feel fated, with sudden endings and plot twists, so keep an eye on themes leading up to Wednesday. Are you reassessing plans for travel or study? How about publishing that manifesto or taking a new direction with it? Aquarius is an air sign, and air is associated with communication, connecting ideas, and people. Take note of any epiphanies, no matter how out-of-the-box they seem—they may make more sense later. Your overall big-picture philosophy is up for the eclipse shake-up, so note and apply any updates to your system. With so much change on the digital intelligence front, this is an opportune time to also update what’s possible for you and the ways to go about it. While changes may have you scratching a few of your horses from the race, they might also open up an entirely new field.

PiscesSensual and sartorial, this week’s new moon features the final solar eclipse of the year, and if you’re willing to head south, you’ll catch it in all its glory. In your sphere of intimate connections and shared resources, your situation may change or reveal something previously hidden. Style, fairness, justice, and keeping the peace are all themes ignited under this cosmic alignment. If someone trips over a sensitive, raw nerve, take some space to reflect on what has been revealed within you and/or about that person. Information comes to us in many ways, so before reacting, understand what just happened and what response is best for your path forward. Eclipses can mark endings as well as new directions, so consider what might need to go or drastically change—who you let into your private life and what you’re ready to update.

Vanessa Montgomery—a.k.a. Astro All-Starz—is a professional counseling astrologer and the upcoming author of Astro Power: A Simple Guide to Prediction and Destiny for the Modern Mystic. Aimed at enlightenment and seeing past labels to the oneness that unites us all, Montgomery’s work also helps navigate the practical essentials with grounded cosmic intel. Her motto: Free your mind, own your power, create your world. You can learn more at or follow Montgomery on Instagram @astro_allstarz.


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Written by Mr Viral

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