With the Tamil Nadu Assembly elections slated for 2026, the political arena in the state is heated up already. Established alliances like AIADMK, DMK, and BJP are gearing up for the electoral battle. Meanwhile, actor Vijay has launched a new political party, Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam, sparking speculations about forming a fresh alliance under his leadership.
Amid this, questions arose about Seeman’s Naam Tamilar Katchi (NTK), which has traditionally contested elections independently, joining an alliance with Vijay’s TVK in the 2026 elections. However, after the TVK’s conference, reports suggest that differences between the two sides have ruled out the possibility of an alliance.
Adding intrigue to the political landscape, NTK leader Seeman recently met Superstar Rajinikanth at his Poes Garden residence. While the meeting was officially described as a courtesy call, speculation is rife that they might have discussed Tamil Nadu’s current political scenario. A picture from their meeting is doing rounds on the internet today.
This development has sparked a buzz about Seeman’s intentions. Did he seek Rajinikanth’s support to counter Vijay’s political ambitions? Will Rajinikanth, who refrained from directly supporting BJP despite Prime Minister Modi’s overtures, lend his backing to NTK? As the state inches closer to election season, these theories will likely keep political watchers on the edge of their seats.
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